Biography - Angelo Luisi-Montenegro

Aphorism n°48/192 “Me… about the art, mean a unique “concept”, which can free the artist from the pit of interpreters. This is art!” 
Following architectural studies, carries out research on the city of Turin. With the creation of a synthetic handbook of history of architecture and a selection of zenith photographs; develops housing concepts using filtered light to making draft, industrial paper to making structures and zenith images to create urban plans.
The interest in Photography, led him to evolve an artistic research, set in Turin, with an interest in the minimal image (architecture + art-show) and metaphysical vision (accumulation).
_MG_4178 BNN (22-08-2016)
Accumulation n°02 “An accumulation takes place when different levels, direct, indirect, reflected, etc. literally gather within a visual portion.” 
The interest in creative writing, led him to evolve a fictional research, set in Turin, at the end of the old millennium, with narrative suggestions noir.
Aphorism n°161/192 “It’s when you really travel that you consider the places you hated before as home… a safe place to rest.”
The interest in the piano, led him to evolve a music research in chords 7+11; with jazz chromatic suggestions, rhythmic accents swing and the use of counterpoint free.


 Torino Panoramica _MG_3117b BNN (07-07-2016)
The search for a common line between different forms of art; brings him, at a young age, to confront the writing, drawing and photography.
After art school experience to naturalist poetry and the training novel. Participates in a creative writing workshop at the “Scuola Holden” in Turin with the writer Voltolini, where he explores the narrative technique. He attended the editorial board of the newspaper “PiemonteNews” and through the advice of the editor-in-chief Gherlone he experimented with editorial writing and photojournalism.
Poem n°66/70 “Criticism in prayer” Santa santissima… Santa la voce che tra cieli aleggia/ occhio divino che scruta le strade/ pura la mano che d’arte fraseggia/ di quell’artista, di quel che accade./ Santa santissima… Vanto di stile che par cosí attento/ di quello scrivere forme di articoli/ alle parole che tramutano l’evento/ di bianco raggiante tra neri vicoli. / Santa santissima… Santa la penna che calca l’eterno/ luce radiosa che taglia a metà/ forte l’idea che descrive l’esterno/ di quelle piazze, di quella città./ Santa santissima… Vanto di cronaca che par atteso/ di quell’imprimere fatti mondani/ alle figure, che delineano il peso/ di storie d’arte, di primi artigiani.
Experience the surrealist painting focusing on elementary shapes and raw colors. Participate in an anatomical drawing workshop, at the studio of the sculptor Garoglio, where he analyzes the material and its applications. He continued his research at the studio of the painter Fraus, where he analyzed anatomical drawing and portrait.
Vol.0 Città
Afterwards it deepens photography urban landscape and is dedicated to analyzing the outlook in the different periods of light. He attended the school of photography “Ph Libero” and through the advice of photographer Coppi analyzes the themes that make up the picture, with emphasis on technical and photographic genres.
Ambiance Sea _MG_9151 BNP 26-05-2016
Enters into a relationship with young writers, painters and musicians and begins to organize artistic events in public places in the center of Turin. He founded the “Centroarte” agency with the intent to develop the artistic direction of events polyhedral that connect with each other, writing, art and music.
The cinema brings him to know and attend the corridors the “Film Commission” of Turin. In the role of assistant of casting director Cazzola experiences the selection and management of human resources and analyzes the various trades that make the production of a movie. Join a video production workshop at the director’s studio Monaco where analyzes filming technique and video editing.
Béla Tarr IMG_1700 BNP+S (29-09-2019)
Afterwards, in the role of audio lighting technician, deepens the architecture of sound and light, sneaking in the construction of a theater, and in setting up audio equipment and lights, as well as, commissioning of the control room.
The music, brings him, to experience the role of disc jockey refining over time its own style and an increasingly sophisticated musical approach. Join a music production workshop at the musician’s studio Sogno which analyzes the sound and its applications.


© Angelo Luisi-Montenegro - Siren 752579573 - Code APE 9003A - Member: MDA - ADAGP - Edition: DIVISARE - ARCHILOVERS